The Snowflake Method. Step 4: The One-Page Skeleton
This step will have you expand your character-centric one paragraph summary into a one-page skeleton outline of the story
The Snowflake Method. Step 3: Character Summaries
This step will focus on crafting intriguing characters and figuring out how to best weave them into your plot to strengthen both the overall themes and trajectory of the story.
The Snowflake Method. Step 2: A Story in a Paragraph
In the first step, you took your idea and tried to condense it into a single sentence. Saying a lot with few words can be a challenge to many writers,…
New original novella and audio-recording: “A Melody for the Nameless”
A Melody for the Nameless is a collection of fragmented memories, artifacts, fables, and myths that together outline the trajectory of Eladyan civilization: its origins, its expansion into the stars,…
The Dossier Method for Developing Strong Characters
I’ve been watching a series of Brandon Sanderson’s lectures about writing fantasy. I consider him one of the best character writers and I think it’s one of the things that…
Mistakes for Better Writing
A mistake can be a powerful tool for a writer to have in their arsenal.
The Blessing and Curse of Music for Writing
I’m far from the first person to curate and use playlists for writing or talk about them. There’s nothing like it when you hit a song that sets the right…
New Hivemind on the Block: Original Short Story
This summer has been hectic since my fiancee and I have been relocating to Florida, but we are finally settled and I wanted to get to update this site a…
The Fabled Path to Being Published (In Theory)
Temper all hope, ye who enter here. Let me start by saying that I’m still on this path—so take my words with a grain of salt. I haven’t reached the end…
The Snowflake Method. Step 1: The Dreaded One-Sentence Summary
It’s going to snow in a few hours where I am in Connecticut, so it only seems appropriate to start with this: the Snowflake Method. Created by Randy Ingermanson, this…